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Bottles of Olive Oil

Additional Services

LA Collaboratory can provide a number of services beyond custom formulation. Here are some of our services that we can provide.



​Liquid Batching / Compounding:

If you own your own formula, we can provide batching and compound services. We can also procure ingredients or if you already have your own ingredients, we can use these too.

MOQ: 100kg



Toll Manufacturing:

Many brands don't have time to fill their own product and focus more on marketing their product. LA Collaboratory is able to be your partner in filling your own packaging with another supplier's bulk product.

MOQ: 500 units



3rd Party Analytical Testing:

Brands that own formulas or are looking to batch formulas from other labs may need supporting or further testing. We can provide such test from a non-bias approach using 3rd party testing from our trusted vendors.


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